Specs by Prue

MAC Eyewear Specs by Prue 

 Prue Leith - Specs by Prue | MAC Eyewear
Prue Leith - Specs by Prue | MAC Eyewear

"I think of specs as an accessory! I don't feel right without them." 


Prue Leith 


Prue Leith is well know for her abilities in the kitchen, but now we also look to her for her stylish spectacles.

She is often seen wearing bright colours and pushing the boundaries with shape and style to prove that spectacles are a key fashion piece for every outfit.

We are delighted to be stockists of this beautiful and colourful range, they bring the fun back into spectacle wear!




Broken Spectacles.

If you've had an accident and broken your glasses, please call into the practice. Many repairs can be completed on the day, we also offer a one day glazing service that will ensure you aren't inconvenienced for long. 
